Training Institute-Zubza

The action sloganIn keeping with the action slogan, “Scientific development, conservation and management of land and water resources for sustainable economic development and healthy natural environment of the state”, thedepartment hasbeen taking up broad based conservation activities through various state and central schemes, throughout the state. In the supporting services sector, soils of the state are being surveyed and tested for determining the health and capability status. In addition, daily weather conditions are being monitored through 17 Meteorological Observatories, 9 Automatic Weather Stations and 22 Automatic Rain Gauges established at different Agro-climatic zones throughout the state. The knowledge of which, …
EDUCATION, TRAINING, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: Soil and water conservation is an integral part of sustainable natural resources management and sustainable agriculture. Thus capacity building and human resources development in the field of soil and water conservation technology is of permanent importance particularly for hilly region like that of Nagaland. The Department, therefore, established its Research and Training Centre at Sechu, Kohima wherein the three categories of training viz; pre-inservice training for field level non-gazetted staff (Soil Conservation Assistant), in-service training and farmers training are conducted on regular basis. Study tours within and outside the State are also conducted in each …