ADMINISTRATIVE STRENGTH OF THE DEPARTMENT The Department is headed by Commissioner & Secretary as the Administrative Head and supported by a full complement of ministerial staff at the secretariat level. While the set-up at the Directorate level is as under: 1. Director 1 no. 2. Additional Director 1 no. 3. Project Director  1 no. 4. Joint Director  5 nos. 5. Deputy Director  4 nos. (Directorate) 6. Senior Soil Survey Officer  1 no.  (Directorate) 7. District Soil Conservation Officer  11 nos. 8. Mechanical Engineer (Soil Cons.)  1 no. 9. Sub-Divisional Officer  16 nos. (Soil Cons.) 10. Soil Survey Officer  9 …

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Contact us

DIRECTORATE OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION Address: Directorate of Soil & Water Conservation, AG colony, Kohima, 797001Phone: (0370)2241445Email: swconservation5[AT]gmail[DOT]com             dirsnwc-ngl[AT]nic[DOT]in WEB INFORMATION MANAGERIT NODAL OFFICERDEPARTMENT OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATIONNAGALAND, KOHIMAEMAIL: snwc-ngl[AT]nic[DOT]in

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Policy & Vision

The policy of the department is therefore to optimize the land capability through various technological interventions and improving upon traditional practices in conserving the scarce natural resources on catchment/watershed basis. This will result in better environmental protection and enhance farmers’ income, which will ultimately ensure peace, progress and prosperity in the state. Strategy and approach Strengthening and upgradation of existing Meteorological observatories and also to establish weather stations in key locations for monitoring and documentation of daily weather conditions, for dissemination to stake holders. Strengthening soil survey, soil testing laboratories and Cartography to establish an inventory of land resources as …

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About the department

The state of Nagaland is agriculturally one of the most backward with low productivity and poor in livestock production. The topography is dissected into hill ranges which further breaks into spurs and ridges, coupled with high rainfall during the monsoon rendering the region very sensitive to heavy runoff and soil erosion. The state’s economy is closely linked to its natural resource base and climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture and forestry, which faces an increased risk of the negative impacts of climate change. Land development for economic cultivation is therefore a huge challenge under prevailing conditions. Compounding to the problem …

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